
Gregarius Sticky Post Exporter

The project page is located at

I use Gregarius for my feed aggregator and reader. I’ve had a busy semester, and have marked close to 2000 items as “sticky” so I can read them when I have more time. I don’t like the built-in “Browse Sticky” functionality, and would prefer something basic, but flat. I want to be able to save it, and use it to check off what I’ve read in my massive backlog of items.

Gregarius Sticky Exporter

I waded through the PHP and SQL, and talked with Matthew a bit, and came up with a little .php file.

You can download it at

To install, download the zip, extract it, put your database information in, and upload it to your webhost. Hit the page with your web browser, and it should generate the list. It doesn’t modify your database at all.

It doesn’t contain all the information in the tables, just the title, the url, and the body of each feed. The title is linked to the url, and the body is displayed after the titles. If you’re interested in something extra in your exports, feel free to contact me.

One reply on “Gregarius Sticky Post Exporter”

Adam, pretty nice.

A little suggestion though: instead of having to re-define your database connection credentials you could simply require Gregarius’ own dbinit.php and use the constants defined there.

Also, I wonder how it compares to e.g. /state/sticky?media=mobile

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